Sri Brahmam was born in 1944. Since childhood he always questioned the purpose of life, knowing that everybody will eventually die. When he was about six years old, the mantra „Om Nama Sivaya“ arose naturally in him and kept repeating inside spontaneously at all times.

At the age of 25 he saw a photograph of Ramana Maharishi at a friend’s house. He was strongly attracted and immediately travelled to Tiruvannamalai to the Ramana Ashram at the foot of the Arunachala Hill. So far he hadn’t read any books about spirituality and hadn’t met any spiritual teacher or guru. He was a very pure young man – he hadn’t been influenced by duality of the world, since the mantra was always repeating inside. Once he arrived at the Meditation Hall of the Ramana Ashram, he sat in front of Ramana Maharishi’s photo. In his heart he fully surrendered to Ramana and gave up all his desires. A strong force pulled him inwards, his breath and thoughts stopped and silence and peace filled him completely. After he got up, thoughts gradually came back, but inside there was no attachment to them. This state was new to the young school teacher. He went to Sauris, whom many people regarded as an enlightened being and was told that his Self-Realization was completed. His life was transformed. Within the following period of his life the remaining tendencies, desires and attachments were destroyed by the grace of the Self for ever. Only the Self remains.

People who are lucky enough to come in front of Sri Brahmam experience deep inner silence, peace and bliss. There are no words which can express this Peace – Self – God or Love.

Kategorie: Sri Brahmam

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