Be quiet. See the mind as it is. Grace action starts. Then Peace occupies your Heart. Then be still. The Grace of Self burns all your tendencies. No question or any practice is needed. You already reached the destination. That is the Source of thought. If you lose your Awareness, immediately sleep, deep sleep or thought will come. Stop just for a few seconds, see the covering, and immediately Awareness will come. Then if you question, ‚To Whom?‘, and wait, the question and thought will vanish. Again we will get Peace. Then be quiet and still.

While you are in Peace, see the experiencer of that Peace or question, ‚Who is that experiencer?‘. The experiencer will disappear. But it rises again and again. As and when it rises, see it with Peace and Awareness or question, ‚Who Am I?‘, until it burns. When the seer or the experiencer or the questioner burns permanently – that is Jeevanmukti (Self Realization).

V. V. Brahmam

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